Sensemaking in a Time Between Worlds: A New Story of Value

Welcome to the One Mountain Podcast. Sensemaking in a time between worlds. Responding to existential risk with a new story of CosmoErotic Humanism, with Dr. Marc Gafni. To join this podcast live every sunday at 10 am pt go to!

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Sunday Mar 09, 2025

Talk to God Part 4: Prayer and Prophecy as Core Human Potencies in the the Conversational Cosmos | Dr. Marc Gafni #489
March 9, 2025
NEW First Principles and First Values Book on Amazon:
Join the 'Planetary Awakening in Love Through Unique Self Symphonies.' Register here for FREE:
Dr. Marc Gafni is a visionary thinker, social activist and passionate philosopher. He is known for his “source code teachings”, including Unique Self theory and the Five Selves, the Amorous Cosmos, A Politics of Evolutionary Love, A Return to Eros and Digital Intimacy.
THIS WEEK’S EVOLUTIONARY LOVE CODE: “Talk to God because God wants to talk to you, and you want to talk to God. That conversation is the purpose of creation.”~Dr. Marc Gafni
One Mountain, Many Paths is a weekly, interactive, online broadcast that includes rich, spiritually activating, transformational content, group prayer and encouragement to live love as religion. We are responding to existential Risk by telling the New Story, the fulfilment of Homo sapien as Homo amor. This is the story of the emergence of the New Human and the New Humanity. At the core of it is a great new cultural Enlightenment that generates a new global collective intelligence of Enlightenment. It is the realization that every person is a Unique Self, a unique expression of the larger field of LoveIntelligence with a crucial instrument to play in the great self-organizing Unique Self Symphony. Our mission is to generate the Planetary Awakening in Love through Unique Self Symphonies that is at the core of political and social revolution of love. For more information:Center for Integral Wisdom Office for the Future Dr. Marc Gafni Youtube: /@MarcGafniSubstack   / drmarcgafni   Facebook:   / drmarcgafni   Twitter:   / marcgafni   Instagram:   / marcgafni   Medium:   / drmarcgafni  

Sunday Mar 02, 2025

Talk to God Part 3: Prayer and Prophecy: The Two Great Conversations of the Storied Cosmos | Dr. Marc Gafni #438
March 2, 2025
NEW First Principles and First Values Book on Amazon:
Join the 'Planetary Awakening in Love Through Unique Self Symphonies.' Register here for FREE:
Dr. Marc Gafni is a visionary thinker, social activist and passionate philosopher. He is known for his “source code teachings”, including Unique Self theory and the Five Selves, the Amorous Cosmos, A Politics of Evolutionary Love, A Return to Eros and Digital Intimacy.
THIS WEEK’S EVOLUTIONARY LOVE CODE: “Talk to God because God wants to talk to you, and you want to talk to God. That conversation is the purpose of creation.”~Dr. Marc Gafni
One Mountain, Many Paths is a weekly, interactive, online broadcast that includes rich, spiritually activating, transformational content, group prayer and encouragement to live love as religion. We are responding to existential Risk by telling the New Story, the fulfilment of Homo sapien as Homo amor. This is the story of the emergence of the New Human and the New Humanity. At the core of it is a great new cultural Enlightenment that generates a new global collective intelligence of Enlightenment. It is the realization that every person is a Unique Self, a unique expression of the larger field of LoveIntelligence with a crucial instrument to play in the great self-organizing Unique Self Symphony. Our mission is to generate the Planetary Awakening in Love through Unique Self Symphonies that is at the core of political and social revolution of love. For more information:Center for Integral Wisdom Office for the Future Dr. Marc Gafni Youtube: /@MarcGafniSubstack   / drmarcgafni   Facebook:   / drmarcgafni   Twitter:   / marcgafni   Instagram:   / marcgafni   Medium:   / drmarcgafni  

Sunday Feb 23, 2025

Talk to God Part 2: Three Stations of Prayer—Falling in Love with the Divine | Dr. Marc Gafni #437
February 23, 2025
NEW First Principles and First Values Book on Amazon:
Join the 'Planetary Awakening in Love Through Unique Self Symphonies.' Register here for FREE:
Dr. Marc Gafni is a visionary thinker, social activist and passionate philosopher. He is known for his “source code teachings”, including Unique Self theory and the Five Selves, the Amorous Cosmos, A Politics of Evolutionary Love, A Return to Eros and Digital Intimacy.
THIS WEEK’S EVOLUTIONARY LOVE CODE: THIS WEEK’S EVOLUTIONARY LOVE CODE: “Talk to God, because God wants to talk to you, and you want to talk to God. That conversation is the purpose of creation.” - Dr. Marc Gafni
One Mountain, Many Paths is a weekly, interactive, online broadcast that includes rich, spiritually activating, transformational content, group prayer and encouragement to live love as religion. We are responding to existential Risk by telling the New Story, the fulfilment of Homo sapien as Homo amor. This is the story of the emergence of the New Human and the New Humanity. At the core of it is a great new cultural Enlightenment that generates a new global collective intelligence of Enlightenment. It is the realization that every person is a Unique Self, a unique expression of the larger field of LoveIntelligence with a crucial instrument to play in the great self-organizing Unique Self Symphony. Our mission is to generate the Planetary Awakening in Love through Unique Self Symphonies that is at the core of political and social revolution of love. For more information:Center for Integral Wisdom Office for the Future Dr. Marc Gafni Youtube: /@MarcGafniSubstack   / drmarcgafni   Facebook:   / drmarcgafni   Twitter:   / marcgafni   Instagram:   / marcgafni   Medium:   / drmarcgafni  

Sunday Jan 26, 2025

Value and Anti-Value, Story and Anti-Story Part 5 of 5: The Evolution of Religion: The Urgent Need of Our Time| Dr. Marc Gafni #433
January 26, 2025
NEW First Principles and First Values Book on Amazon:
Join the 'Planetary Awakening in Love Through Unique Self Symphonies.' Register here for FREE:
Dr. Marc Gafni is a visionary thinker, social activist and passionate philosopher. He is known for his “source code teachings”, including Unique Self theory and the Five Selves, the Amorous Cosmos, A Politics of Evolutionary Love, A Return to Eros and Digital Intimacy.
THIS WEEK’S EVOLUTIONARY LOVE CODE: “You don’t need to “believe” in God. You do need to pray and everything else will follow. God will be ecstatic, and so will we.” ~Dr. Marc Gafni
One Mountain, Many Paths is a weekly, interactive, online broadcast that includes rich, spiritually activating, transformational content, group prayer and encouragement to live love as religion. We are responding to existential Risk by telling the New Story, the fulfilment of Homo sapien as Homo amor. This is the story of the emergence of the New Human and the New Humanity. At the core of it is a great new cultural Enlightenment that generates a new global collective intelligence of Enlightenment. It is the realization that every person is a Unique Self, a unique expression of the larger field of LoveIntelligence with a crucial instrument to play in the great self-organizing Unique Self Symphony. Our mission is to generate the Planetary Awakening in Love through Unique Self Symphonies that is at the core of political and social revolution of love. For more information:Center for Integral Wisdom Office for the Future Dr. Marc Gafni Youtube: /@MarcGafniSubstack   / drmarcgafni   Facebook:   / drmarcgafni   Twitter:   / marcgafni   Instagram:   / marcgafni   Medium:   / drmarcgafni  

Sunday Jan 19, 2025

Value and Anti-Value, Story and Anti-Story Part 4 of 5: A Buddhist Teacher on What Harari Got Wrong - Buddhism without Sacred Values Is Not Buddhism | Dr. Marc Gafni #432
January 19, 2025
NEW First Principles and First Values Book on Amazon:
Join the 'Planetary Awakening in Love Through Unique Self Symphonies.' Register here for FREE:
Dr. Marc Gafni is a visionary thinker, social activist and passionate philosopher. He is known for his “source code teachings”, including Unique Self theory and the Five Selves, the Amorous Cosmos, A Politics of Evolutionary Love, A Return to Eros and Digital Intimacy.
THIS WEEK’S EVOLUTIONARY LOVE CODE: "Meaning is real. Real means backed by the universe: the inherent nature of Reality before space and time. Value is real. Value is backed by the universe. It is not true that value is co-primordial with space and time; value is prior to space and time. All of Reality, including space and time, arises in the Field of Value.” - Dr. Marc Gafni
One Mountain, Many Paths is a weekly, interactive, online broadcast that includes rich, spiritually activating, transformational content, group prayer and encouragement to live love as religion. We are responding to existential Risk by telling the New Story, the fulfilment of Homo sapien as Homo amor. This is the story of the emergence of the New Human and the New Humanity. At the core of it is a great new cultural Enlightenment that generates a new global collective intelligence of Enlightenment. It is the realization that every person is a Unique Self, a unique expression of the larger field of LoveIntelligence with a crucial instrument to play in the great self-organizing Unique Self Symphony. Our mission is to generate the Planetary Awakening in Love through Unique Self Symphonies that is at the core of political and social revolution of love. For more information:Center for Integral Wisdom Office for the Future Dr. Marc Gafni Youtube: /@MarcGafniSubstack   / drmarcgafni   Facebook:   / drmarcgafni   Twitter:   / marcgafni   Instagram:   / marcgafni   Medium:   / drmarcgafni  

Sunday Jan 12, 2025

Value and Anti Value, Story and Anti Story Part 3 of 5: Six elements of Story, Subatomic particles, and Lord of the Rings | Dr. Marc Gafni #431 January 12 2024
NEW First Principles and First Values Book on Amazon:
Join the 'Planetary Awakening in Love Through Unique Self Symphonies.' Register here for FREE:
Dr. Marc Gafni is a visionary thinker, social activist and passionate philosopher. He is known for his “source code teachings”, including Unique Self theory and the Five Selves, the Amorous Cosmos, A Politics of Evolutionary Love, A Return to Eros and Digital Intimacy.
THIS WEEK’S EVOLUTIONARY LOVE CODE: “The battle between good and evil, between value and anti value is real, but the universe tilts toward value. In the end, value and anti value are joined at the hip in the mystery of the evolution of love. Story is a First Principle and First Value of Cosmos. Story is challenged Ultimately, story and anti story are opposites joined at the hip, part of the same plotline, the plotline of the Universe: A Love Story. In the ultimate realization, we realize that life is about moving beyond my story in order to live my story. The ultimate categorical imperative is live your story.” ~ Dr. Marc Gafni
One Mountain, Many Paths is a weekly, interactive, online broadcast that includes rich, spiritually activating, transformational content, group prayer and encouragement to live love as religion. We are responding to existential Risk by telling the New Story, the fulfilment of Homo sapien as Homo amor. This is the story of the emergence of the New Human and the New Humanity. At the core of it is a great new cultural Enlightenment that generates a new global collective intelligence of Enlightenment. It is the realization that every person is a Unique Self, a unique expression of the larger field of LoveIntelligence with a crucial instrument to play in the great self-organizing Unique Self Symphony. Our mission is to generate the Planetary Awakening in Love through Unique Self Symphonies that is at the core of political and social revolution of love. For more information:Center for Integral Wisdom Office for the Future Dr. Marc Gafni Youtube: /@MarcGafniSubstack   / drmarcgafni   Facebook:   / drmarcgafni   Twitter:   / marcgafni   Instagram:   / marcgafni   Medium:   / drmarcgafni  

Sunday Jan 05, 2025

Value and Anti-Value, Story and Anti-Story — part 2 of 5 | Dr Marc Gafni 430 January 5, 2025
NEW First Principles and First Values Book on Amazon:
Join the 'Planetary Awakening in Love Through Unique Self Symphonies.' Register here for FREE:
Dr. Marc Gafni is a visionary thinker, social activist and passionate philosopher. He is known for his “source code teachings”, including Unique Self theory and the Five Selves, the Amorous Cosmos, A Politics of Evolutionary Love, A Return to Eros and Digital Intimacy.
THIS WEEK’S EVOLUTIONARY LOVE CODE: “The battle between good and evil, between value and anti value is real, but the universe tilts toward value. In the end, value and anti value are joined at the hip in the mystery of the evolution of love. Story is a First Principle and First Value of Cosmos. Story is challenged Ultimately, story and anti story are opposites joined at the hip, part of the same plotline, the plotline of the Universe: A Love Story. In the ultimate realization, we realize that life is about moving beyond my story in order to live my story. The ultimate categorical imperative is live your story.” ~ Dr. Marc Gafni
One Mountain, Many Paths is a weekly, interactive, online broadcast that includes rich, spiritually activating, transformational content, group prayer and encouragement to live love as religion. We are responding to existential Risk by telling the New Story, the fulfilment of Homo sapien as Homo amor. This is the story of the emergence of the New Human and the New Humanity. At the core of it is a great new cultural Enlightenment that generates a new global collective intelligence of Enlightenment. It is the realization that every person is a Unique Self, a unique expression of the larger field of LoveIntelligence with a crucial instrument to play in the great self-organizing Unique Self Symphony. Our mission is to generate the Planetary Awakening in Love through Unique Self Symphonies that is at the core of political and social revolution of love. For more information:Center for Integral Wisdom Office for the Future Dr. Marc Gafni Youtube: /@MarcGafniSubstack   / drmarcgafni   Facebook:   / drmarcgafni   Twitter:   / marcgafni   Instagram:   / marcgafni   Medium:   / drmarcgafni  

Sunday Dec 29, 2024

Why Moving Beyond Your Story Is Not Enough: To Be Fully Enlightened Means to Get Your Story Straight| Dr. Marc Gafni #429
December 29, 2024
NEW First Principles and First Values Book on Amazon:
Join the 'Planetary Awakening in Love Through Unique Self Symphonies.' Register here for FREE:
Dr. Marc Gafni is a visionary thinker, social activist and passionate philosopher. He is known for his “source code teachings”, including Unique Self theory and the Five Selves, the Amorous Cosmos, A Politics of Evolutionary Love, A Return to Eros and Digital Intimacy.
THIS WEEK’S EVOLUTIONARY LOVE CODE: “The battle between good and evil, between value and anti value is real, but the universe tilts toward value. In the end, value and anti value are joined at the hip in the mystery of the evolution of love. Story is a First Principle and First Value of Cosmos. Story is challenged Ultimately, story and anti story are opposites joined at the hip, part of the same plotline, the plotline of the Universe: A Love Story. In the ultimate realization, we realize that life is about moving beyond my story in order to live my story. The ultimate categorical imperative is live your story.” ~ Dr. Marc Gafni
One Mountain, Many Paths is a weekly, interactive, online broadcast that includes rich, spiritually activating, transformational content, group prayer and encouragement to live love as religion. We are responding to existential Risk by telling the New Story, the fulfilment of Homo sapien as Homo amor. This is the story of the emergence of the New Human and the New Humanity. At the core of it is a great new cultural Enlightenment that generates a new global collective intelligence of Enlightenment. It is the realization that every person is a Unique Self, a unique expression of the larger field of LoveIntelligence with a crucial instrument to play in the great self-organizing Unique Self Symphony. Our mission is to generate the Planetary Awakening in Love through Unique Self Symphonies that is at the core of political and social revolution of love. For more information:Center for Integral Wisdom Office for the Future Dr. Marc Gafni Youtube: /@MarcGafniSubstack   / drmarcgafni   Facebook:   / drmarcgafni   Twitter:   / marcgafni   Instagram:   / marcgafni   Medium:   / drmarcgafni  

Sunday Dec 22, 2024

The Intimate Way: Attention Liberates from Loneliness | Dr. Marc Gafni #428 December 22, 2024
NEW First Principles and First Values Book on Amazon:
Join the 'Planetary Awakening in Love Through Unique Self Symphonies.' Register here for FREE:
Dr. Marc Gafni is a visionary thinker, social activist and passionate philosopher. He is known for his “source code teachings”, including Unique Self theory and the Five Selves, the Amorous Cosmos, A Politics of Evolutionary Love, A Return to Eros and Digital Intimacy.
THIS WEEK’S EVOLUTIONARY LOVE CODE: Step 1: It begins with spirituality. Step 2: Spirituality becomes religion. Step 3: The battle between religion and spirituality breaks out with half the world opting for only religion and the other half opting for only spirituality. Step 4: Religion and spirituality come together in an explosion of ErosValue and create the only true possibility, a new emergent, in which the distinction altogether disappears into a larger whole.~Dr. Marc Gafni
One Mountain, Many Paths is a weekly, interactive, online broadcast that includes rich, spiritually activating, transformational content, group prayer and encouragement to live love as religion. We are responding to existential Risk by telling the New Story, the fulfilment of Homo sapien as Homo amor. This is the story of the emergence of the New Human and the New Humanity. At the core of it is a great new cultural Enlightenment that generates a new global collective intelligence of Enlightenment. It is the realization that every person is a Unique Self, a unique expression of the larger field of LoveIntelligence with a crucial instrument to play in the great self-organizing Unique Self Symphony. Our mission is to generate the Planetary Awakening in Love through Unique Self Symphonies that is at the core of political and social revolution of love. For more information:Center for Integral Wisdom Office for the Future Dr. Marc Gafni Youtube: /@MarcGafniSubstack   / drmarcgafni   Facebook:   / drmarcgafni   Twitter:   / marcgafni   Instagram:   / marcgafni   Medium:   / drmarcgafni  

Sunday Dec 15, 2024

The Void is Real and There is a Way Home! | Dr. Marc Gafni #427
December 15, 2024
NEW First Principles and First Values Book on Amazon:
Join the 'Planetary Awakening in Love Through Unique Self Symphonies.' Register here for FREE:
Dr. Marc Gafni is a visionary thinker, social activist and passionate philosopher. He is known for his “source code teachings”, including Unique Self theory and the Five Selves, the Amorous Cosmos, A Politics of Evolutionary Love, A Return to Eros and Digital Intimacy.
THIS WEEK’S EVOLUTIONARY LOVE CODE: “We always meet the void. A-void-dance, meaning avoidance, never works. There is no way around the void. The only way is through. There are three ways through the void: Eros, silence, and song, and the three ways are one.”~Dr. Marc Gafni
One Mountain, Many Paths is a weekly, interactive, online broadcast that includes rich, spiritually activating, transformational content, group prayer and encouragement to live love as religion. We are responding to existential Risk by telling the New Story, the fulfilment of Homo sapien as Homo amor. This is the story of the emergence of the New Human and the New Humanity. At the core of it is a great new cultural Enlightenment that generates a new global collective intelligence of Enlightenment. It is the realization that every person is a Unique Self, a unique expression of the larger field of LoveIntelligence with a crucial instrument to play in the great self-organizing Unique Self Symphony. Our mission is to generate the Planetary Awakening in Love through Unique Self Symphonies that is at the core of political and social revolution of love. For more information:Center for Integral Wisdom Office for the Future Dr. Marc Gafni Youtube: /@MarcGafniSubstack   / drmarcgafni   Facebook:   / drmarcgafni   Twitter:   / marcgafni   Instagram:   / marcgafni   Medium:   / drmarcgafni  

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